Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hiroshima moms?

We started the semester talking (albeit briefly) about Tiger Moms, thanks to the media storm Amy Chua stirred up. This morning, courtesy of Yahoo! news, we have the Hiroshima mom:
I hope that by the midpoint of the semester, we're getting very uncomfortable with judging women-as-mothers' choices (and it's my sense that we are). That said, this article is perfect for leading into our post-Spring Break readings: A Doll's House, The South, and The Hours!

On a related note, I'm more than a little disturbed by our propensity for discussing these very difficult parenting/mothering issues ONLY through a lens that relies on Asian labels -- I think that says something very telling about our own culture's inability to discuss honestly what it means to parent/mother a child.

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